Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Frustrated to the Upmost!

Hello to my few bloggers! I hope everyone has been doing well. I know... I know...  I kinda suck at keeping my blog up to date! I have a little bit more time on my hands now, so I will try to come and express more often.

Well what a difference a day will make....literally!! So much has been going on in my life for the past month that I can't begin to explain it all. I'm grateful for God's hand being in my life, because some of the events should have broken me down...YET I'm still standing!

Now, on to my topic....FRUSTRATION!!!

Have you ever had so many thoughts on your mind until you become totally frustrated?!?! Well if not, let me explain. You're thinking about projects at work, paying this bill, going to this appointment, going to a party next, the dress you need for the party, whether or not you can fit the dress, maybe going to gym so I can fit the dress, needing to go to the grocery store, being hungry, wondering what I'm going to eat, wondering am I settling at work, do I really like my career, can I do better, and oh, doing all this thinking while you're! Just a realisitic expample of how my thoughts drive my to being frustrated. 

I actually had to go look for the definition of frustration to make sure this was the correct adjective to use. Well I'm sure there are others, but we'll stick with this one for today! Frustration simply put is the feeling of defeat or discouragement. Now you may ask why are you frustrated by the trends of everyday life? Well these trends become frustrating when you desire more and can't seem to get more. It's like being on a merry-go-round and not being able to stop it to get off!

The same ole flow basically frustrates me! I have so many creative thoughts and moments when I see myself doing unique and extraordinary things,'s like being at a museum and not being able to touch them!!! SUPER FRUSTRATING! I think to myself all the time, "you're way too creative to being doing ____ for a living!" Then I become  "urrrghh" when others confirm my creativity. So how do I solve this feeling of defeat...discourage...frustration?
I pray! Did you think I was going to say something like run down the stair, turn around two times, and drink a Sprite?!?! LOL

I pray, I meditate, I put God's Word in my Heart, and I trust HIM!
How do you handle feelings of defeat or frustration?

Please Comment...I'm listening!